Stop Stepping Around The Health Elephant In The Room

 So you have arthritis, or high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, perhaps an autoimmune disease, ADHD or maybe you feel anxious, tired or depressed.

In this busy day and age the temptation is to make your way to a busy medical practitioner where your future wellbeing is laid out in a consultation that takes ten to fifteen minutes or thirty minutes if you find a particularly dedicated practitioner.

Maybe you will be referred to a medical specialist and you will be prescribed a pharmaceutical drug. But what if you have two, three or more of the above problems or maybe some others? How many medications are you prepared to swallow?

Some medication may be essential, but there is an elephant in the room, and most people will squeeze right by it. Every doctor will have repeated this information thousands of times, but few heed their advice.

But what if you didn't squeeze past the elephant in the room, what if you embraced it? The elephant is the diet you have avoided, the exercise you don't enjoy and the emotional stress management that you think doesn't work for you, or is only for hippies.

Let's say you have arthritis, you squeeze under the elephant and go straight for the anti-inflammatories. So now you are expecting these drugs to fix the inflammation in your joints plus stop the inflammation being caused by your diet and your stress. How much relief do you actually expect to get from your meds?

What if you remove the inflammatory aspects from your diet? What if you began to gently move your body to support your joints and muscles, and what if you spent some time each day to ease your stress and allow your immune system to help you recover.

If you have done all of these things, and you will get good feedback in 30 days, if you still have some pain then by all means use the medications and you will likely get good pain relief.

But many people will get to the end of their 30 days and feel so much better that they won't need the medications, and they will continue with their new life styles.

Some will need to fine tune their diet, which at its core is 25% carbs from vegetables and 50% fat from healthy sources.

It only remains for you to embrace the elephant and feel the benefits.
